Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Updated 4/1/2024

Stonewall Sports - Chicago board members and sports leadership teams are stewards of the organization’s mission and vision. They are ambassadors of the Stonewall brand, which transcends the field. Stonewall leaders should hold themselves to the highest standard.

In order to foster a community of inclusive, low-cost, high FUN sports, Stonewall leaders must lead by example and create an environment where every single member of the Stonewall community feels safe.  

If a Stonewall leader or player has breached the Code of Conduct, he/she will be held accountable. Any Stonewall member can file a grievance against another league member, member of leadership, or a member of the board.

To file a grievance: 

1.1 Stonewall Member files a form describing the grievance. The form is made publicly available on the organization’s Web site.

1.1.2 If a person reaches out directly to a Board member (i.e., via e-mail, in-person) to file a grievance and has NOT completed the form, then the following process will not be activated and the Board will not proceed with an investigation.

1.1.3 If a person reaches out directly to a Board member (i.e., via e-mail), it is the responsibility of the Board member to direct that person to the form on the Web site.

1.2 In the instance of a grievance by a named individual, the Stonewall Chairperson of the Board will review the grievance and determine the proper avenues: 

1.2.1 If the grievance is for a specific sport, the Chairperson of the Board will pass the grievance on to the Director, Operations. The Director, Operations will work with specific Sports Commissioner to determine the severity of the grievance. 

1.2.2 If the Director, Operations and the Sports Commissioner agree on the proper course action, then the proper course of action will be taken and the grievance will be considered complete. If the Director, Operations and the Sports Commissioner do not agree, then the grievance will be escalated to the Chairperson of the Board. Among those three, a vote will be taken on the next course of action. If the vote is determined to be inconclusive, then the grievance will be escalated to the board of directors for an investigation. 

1.2.3 If the grievance does not specify a sport, then the Chairperson of the board will consult with the Director, Finance, and the Director, Operations to determine the merit of the grievance. Among those three, a vote will be taken on the next course of action. If a vote is determined to be inconclusive, then the grievance will be escalated to the board of directors for an investigation. 

1.2.4 For grievances that have been filed anonymously, the Chairperson will determine whether the grievance warrants an investigation by the Board. This could include multiple grievances issued against the same person, denoting a pattern of behavior.

1.2.5 The Investigation must take place within 45 days of when the form was filled out. 

1.3 If the grievance becomes escalated to the board of directions for an investigation, the following will happen: 

1.3.1 If a member of the board is the subject of the grievance, he/she will recuse him/herself from the review process.

1.4 The Stonewall Board will determine if there is merit to the grievance and perform a vote.

1.5 The Board will ask the Complainant to either present his or her description of events to the board in person or through a letter to the board. 

1.6 The Board will then provide the Accused an opportunity to share his or her perspective in a separate appearance or letter. 

1.7 Once both sides have been heard, the Board will discuss and render a decision, including any consequences.

1.7.1 The Chairperson will act as a neutral party to facilitate the discussion and investigation to ensure a fair process.

1.7.2 A simple majority of the vote of the Board will render a decision. In the event of a tie, the Chairperson of the Board’s vote will determine the outcome.

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